Everyday Life

7 10, 2015

Robots and Whales: Tracking Whales with Quadrotors


Observing whales is important for marine biology tasks such as taking census, determining family lineage, and general behavior observations. Currently, whales are observed manually using binoculars and cameras from the shore or from boats, and notes are made using pencil and paper. The process is ...

Robots and Whales: Tracking Whales with Quadrotors2021-11-08T15:22:19+00:00
7 10, 2015

Robots and Cooking: Bakebot


The creation of a robot chef represents a grand challenge for the field of robotics. Cooking is one of the most important activities that takes place in the home, and a robotic chef capable of following arbitrary recipes would have many applications in both household ...

Robots and Cooking: Bakebot2021-11-08T15:22:19+00:00
7 10, 2015

Robots and Agriculture: Virtual Fences for Animals


We wish to monitor and control the position of herd animals at fine granularity to improve he management of pastures and herds. In collaboration with Dean Anderson from the USDA we developed wearable devices for cattle. Each animal in the herd is given a smart ...

Robots and Agriculture: Virtual Fences for Animals2015-10-07T16:52:09+00:00
7 10, 2015

Robots and Art: The Umbrella Project


The Umbrella Project (UP) is a large-scape participatory experiment in which hundreds of participants light up the night’s sky. The participants use the color-changing umbrellas to create images that are projected in real time on a large screen, and use this feedback along with high-level ...

Robots and Art: The Umbrella Project2021-11-08T15:22:20+00:00
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